Having problems with touch on some projects that are using Draggable I am now diving into this. I'm having problems with touch on both rotating draggables as well as translating draggables on several browsers, but Firefox seems to be the most problematic one. This thread though is about a particular draggable issue that only seem to affect Firefox, while other browsers seem to work fine:
The codepen included here is, as you can see, as easy as it can get. A svg circle where Draggable is put on with inertia and rotation. Touch in this example is running fine in browsers like Chrome and Ms Edge (chromium based browsers), but touch is not working at all in Firefox (Windows) here.
In the codepen I used the actual gsap template from this forum, which is still using version 3.2.3, but I've also seen this beviour in version 3.2.4 locally here.
[edit] the touchstart seem to be triggering something in draggable though, because when just moving the mouse after trying to drag with touch, the object gets dragged, eventhough none of the mousebuttons are pressed. Also this issue occurs with Draggable type set to 'x,y' as well as set to 'rotation'