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  1. Hey everyone , I post this not so much as a problem, since the solution is easy, but more as a curiosity and a bit of help to anyone else that may see this nested timeline behavior. I’ve created a master timeline via four nested timelines in functions. The first timeline tween of each nested timeline is a set() call. On the first pass through the master timeline, each nested set() at time zero fires at time zero of the master timeline – not time zero of the local timeline. This is easily corrected by applying immediateRender:false to the set() calls. My guess is that when the master timeline is created, all the set()s at position zero of the nested timelines are fired as they become relative to the master timeline of zero? @ Jack – I won’t even pretend to understand many of the things under the hood, but I was reading this post in which you said: 'That's one of the reasons we have the "set()" convenience method in TimelineLite and TimelineMax - it creates a zero-duration tween but it automatically sets immediateRender:false unless you're inserting it at the current time.' I totally understand that and the first set() of the first nested timeline is essentially at time zero of the master timeline so it should and does fire immediately, but I’m mostly curious about why the repeats of the master timeline all play as one might expect – each nested set() at local time zero wait their turn without having to apply an immediateRender of false. At any rate, this is not too big of a deal and easily solved by explicitly setting the immediate render . As I said, it’s more curiosity and for any future forum searchers with questions about it.
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