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  1. Hi, I am looking to change the background images after each animations like in the CodePen. As you can see that 1st background Image is appeared then the 2 boxes are also animated and then the background image fades out from the page. Until there it is working fine. But after the 1st background is disappeared then the 2nd background image is not appearing before the 2 boxes animation starts again. How can I achieve this kind of thing? Thanks in Advance
  2. Guest

    3D transform updates to GSAP 3?

    I have a dynamic timeline animation has 2 divs do a simple 3d flip that broke when I updated it to GSAP 3. I read about the new translateX, translateY, rotate, rotateX, and rotateY aliases. Does anyone know if there were there changes to transformPerspective, transformStyle, or transformOrigin mappings as well? My working legacy code: var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.set([t1.div, t2.div], { css: { transformPerspective: 300, transformStyle: "preserve-3d", backfaceVisibility: "hidden" } }) .add("start") .to(t1.div, 1, { rotationX: -90, transformOrigin: "50% " + t1.yAxis + " " + zAxis, force3D: true }, "start") .from(t2.div, 1, { rotationX: 90, transformOrigin: "50% " + t2.yAxis + " " + zAxis, force3D: true }, "start") .set(t1.div, { autoAlpha: 0, rotationX: 0, transformOrigin: "50% 50% " + zAxis }); My broken V3 update var tl = new gsap.timeline(); tl.set([t1.div, t2.div], { css: { transformPerspective: 300, transformStyle: "preserve-3d", backfaceVisibility: "hidden" } }) .add("start") .to(t1.div, { duration:_flipSp, rotateX: -90, transformOrigin: "50% " + t1.yAxis + " " + zAxis, force3D: true }, "start") .from(t2.div, { duration:_flipSp, rotateX: 90, transformOrigin: "50% " + t2.yAxis + " " + zAxis, force3D: true }, "start") .set(t1.div, { autoAlpha: 0, rotateX: 0, transformOrigin: "50% 50% " + zAxis });
  3. Is there a way to obtain the current target via the onupdate callback within the fromTo tween in GSAP 3? In GSAP version 2, I was able to do this: this.timeline.staggerFromTo(this._shuffle(this.spheres), 4, { positionY: -1 }, { positionY: 1, repeat: -1, yoyo: true, ease: Power1.easeInOut, onUpdate: function onUpdate(a) { a.target.mesh.position.y = a.target.meshInitPosY + (a.target.positionY + 1) * 200; a.target.mesh.rotation.y = a.target.meshInitRotY + (a.target.positionY + 1) * 3; }, onUpdateParams: ["{self}"] }, '0.01'); However, in GSAP 3, all I get is an array of all of the targets and I need to get the actual target... this.timeline.fromTo(this._shuffle(this.spheres), { positionY: -1 }, { duration: 4, positionY: 1, repeat: -1, yoyo: true, ease: Power1.easeInOut, stagger: 0.01, onUpdate() { console.log(this, this._targets); // this returns all of the spheres //this.target.mesh.position.y = this.target.meshInitPosY + (this.target.positionY + 1) * 200; //this.target.mesh.rotation.y = this.target.meshInitRotY + (this.target.positionY + 1) * 3; } }); Am I missing something very obvious?
  4. Marko82

    Using Gsap3 with WebXR

    Hi Everyone, I have been working on the project involving WebXR, using ThreeJs and Gsap 3. And I have notice that when you initialize webXR session (clicking on 'Enter VR' button) update of Gsap's timelines just stops. They mention in How to create VR content on ThreeJs' website that you need to call setAnimationLoop() from their renderer and to pass callback and that you can't use window.requestAnimationFrame() function (I need to investigate this topic more). The problem was solved calling gsap.ticker.tick() from the callback function. For testing, I have added listener to gsap.ticker and it was working fine when webXR session is not initialized. Is there a better method to update gsap timelines, and am I missing something? I used Oculus Quest for headset and Oculus Browser which is based on Chromium.
  5. I am currently working on a project- I have been using TweenJS. But I have fallen in love with versatility with GSAP. The only thing I am trying to figure out is if there is a similar function for GSAP that removes every instance of a tween like CreateJS createjs.Tween.removeAllTweens(); I have found myAnimation.kill(); but from what I can tell that is a per instance usage and I am looking for more of an overall function when I go to reset that would remove all tweens.
  6. Hi GSAP folks! I'm brand new to animating anything on the web (aside from CSS3 animations or... ye olde Flash animations from 13 years ago), but I have a pretty solid mastery of front end dev techniques. I've made some good progress running through the forums here and elsewhere, and subscribed to the Creative Coding Club. Thanks for all the great resources! I'm working with GSAP 3, and ScrollMagic so far. I have a client that is looking to create a website that behaves like the one here: https://dpotferstudio.com/ They're looking to have the user "scroll", then the page scrolls to a new scene and plays the animation. I understand how to implement ScrollMagic, utilize setPin, setTween, etc., and setup a GSAP timeline, but i'm not sure how to implement the snap to scene THEN play the animation situation. Is this something that GSAP + SM can handle? Or with this require some additional custom JS outside the box? Thank you so much in advance for any help you can give me. I certainly appreciate it!
  7. Hi I have to develop this animation where an image starts from scale:0 and opacity:0 then grows rotating with an easing power2.out then keeps it rotating infinite by linear easing. Some ideas? Thanks
  8. Hi I'm trying to achieve the underline animation on links you can see on this site https://details.ch/en (click hamburger menu icon on top right to see it). Also you can check out my attached gif where I show you the various animation cases (on mouseenter and mouseleave) I need to develop. I need to achieve the exact same interactions and animations you see. It's like I'm not able to handle the relationships between the mouseenter animation and the mouseleave animation. Someone could help me? Thanks
  9. Aleksei

    JS Popup Generator based on GSAP 3

    Hi! I’d like to introduce you my personal project — a popup library, which uses GSAP 3 as animation engine: liteBox.pro It could be just another popup library among the hundred of others, if not these two points: This library doesn’t use such dependencies as: jQuery, image files and CSS. You’re dealing with only one .js file. All interface graphics is generated dynamically. There is an online constructor which allows you to design your popup visually. So you don’t need to read documentation and study API to start using it. Because the documentation is not finished yet You, guys, are the first whom I’m writing this about. Because, you, as a people who use GSAP, will benefit of this the most. As long as you’re already using GSAP in a project you’ll only have to add a small 29 kB file to your stack to make the popup work. Please, check this small introduction video of the project: P.S. And thank you very much for helping me to quickly migrate from GSAP 2 to GSAP 3 by answering my questions in this forum. The matter is that GSAP 3 was released right before I was going to publish the popup But I was too excited about GSAP 3 to publish popup as it was (on TweenMax).
  10. I'm doing an animation to show an order summary, I want first expand the width and then the height to create a fancy effect but seems that height is being seated wrong because in the end of the animation it has an extra height not desired. Help! Both tweens works well individually but the problem is when I put them together. Expected: Current:
  11. Aleksei

    How to stop work of Inertia plugin?

    Hello, it's me again with GSAP 3 migration I have a case, when I check Draggable's endX and if it is smaller than I need I return the dragged object back to original position. In the previous version of GSAP, when I applied TweenMax.to to the dragged object it "rewrote" the Draggable's behaviour and did what I want. But now, after gsap.to finishes its animation the Draggable continues its work and places object into the endX coordinate. Please, help. I couldn't find a proper "stop" method for Inertia in the Docs.
  12. The question is regarding the GSAP 3. How can I interpolate between two values using gsap properties such as easing, duration, delay etc?… And I don't need actual target object to animate. I've embedded Codepen example of how I did this before, with TweenMax. But when I use gsap 3 syntax JS console generates error telling that target is undefined. I assume that .interpolate() utility may come in handy here. But I cannot understand how to apply it in this case. Please, help
  13. PedroZorus

    Issue on codepen with upgrade to v3

    Hello everyone, I've just upgraded my project to GSAP v3, but CSSRulePlugin doesn't works properly anymore. In a first time i've thinked that was a problem behin the CDN delivery but after few tests, i can't see where exactly is the problem. Below, the console warned me about stuff extends with CSSRulePLugin. Someone can explain to me what should i change to make it work ? Thanks you by advance !
  14. Edify Technologies

    Timeline progress not returning to 0

    Checkout the codepen. If you use the buttons to set timeline progress(), you can go back and forth between 0 and 0.5 no problem, but as soon as you go to 1, you can't get back to 0. I've experimented with other values as well, and everything seems to work until you go to 1 for the first time. After that, when you try and return to 0 it reevaluates to 1. Does this look like a bug, or do I have my logic wrong? Thanks!
  15. Aleksei

    Old Plugins and TweenLite issue

    Hello! I've got a problem with the new gsap 3.0 library. I have a website which uses gsap 2 with member-only plugins ThrowPropsPlugin and ColorPropsPlugin. I'm trying to migrate to gsap 3 now, but I just found out that these plugins are no longer available in the library. Question #1: Can I use these old plugins with the new gsap 3? Question #2: Why JS is looking for TweenLite file if I'm not using it? I'm importing all js files as ES6 modules, like this: import { gsap, Draggable, ScrollToPlugin, DrawSVGPlugin } from "./gsap/all.js"; import { ColorPropsPlugin } from "./gsap/old-plugins/ColorPropsPlugin.js"; import { ThrowPropsPlugin } from "./gsap/old-plugins/ThrowPropsPlugin.js"; gsap.registerPlugin( Draggable, ScrollToPlugin, DrawSVGPlugin, ColorPropsPlugin, ThrowPropsPlugin); Thank you in advance!
  16. Edify Technologies

    Negative timeline progress not working

    I'm pretty sure I was able to set negative progress in gsap2, but it doesn't seem to be working in gsap3. Any thoughts?
  17. I have a simple project with Angular 7 using GSAP 3. That's it works perfectly with comand 'ng serve' and 'ng build' of Angular CLI, but when I use the comand 'ng build --prod', the application throws the following error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'easeIn' of undefined". I think the problem just happens in AoT build mode of Angular. Could someone help me with this? Thanks!!
  18. Edify Technologies

    Draggable - Cannot read property 'parentNode' of null

    I've been updating a working slider to GSAP 3 ? and am getting this breaking error: Cannot read property 'parentNode' of null. I've created a very simplified codepen where you'll see a working draggable box (for posterity) and one that uses a proxy, which causes the error. Could there be a bug in Draggable.js? The culprit is the updateMatrix() function at matrix = getGlobalMatrix(target.parentNode, true);. My proxy doesn't have a parentNode, so we're passing null here to getGlobalMatrix. If we hop over to matrix.js the getGlobalMatrix(element, inverse) function starts with if (!element.parentNode) { ... }. We're already passing the parentNode as element (which is null in my case), so it seems weird to me to check for a second (grand)parentNode. If it's helpful, the original slider was based on @OSUblake's Draggable Auto Slider which uses a proxy div as a target for the draggable. https://codepen.io/osublake/pen/veyxyQ
  19. Hiya all! i recently tried updating my site to using GSAP v3. I have a couple transitions that relied on GSAP tweening object values, it all worked perfectly, but now GSAP is updating the object with incorrect values and ending on the wrong final value. Check out my codepen for a bare minimum reproduction of the issue. The expected end state is 10000000 but GSAP is ending the tween with 121575.2192. In some cases i've seen it end with a negative number. It seems to work perfectly fine with smaller numbers under ~100000 Anyone aware of why this is happening or a way around this issue? Thank you!
  20. jonForum

    More native debugging options

    With the arrival of tools in Gsap3, it would be great to see some native tools and methods to optimize debugging. It would be great to see an included method to dissect complexe timeline child data. We forget sometime js offer nice visual debugging tool like console.table. It would be great to have this kind of method at hand natively in gsap. Can be better optimized by a pro from the library to correctly remap the visual hierarchy. I do not yet know all the operation internally, a lot of information difficult to decode. But a simplified version could be interesting. maybe a thing like this gsap.utils.consoleTable(timeLine,options); Any suggest about the good way to map all good thing for debugging a complexe timeLine in a console table ? the code used upper look like this. what do you think? console.table(master.getChildren().map((c)=>{return {_id:c.vars.id,_labels:JSON.stringify(c.labels),...c } }))
  21. Hi ? I'm using one long timeline for various React states, and the plan is to tween quickly to the correct label when my state changes. The problem is I can't figure out how to set a static duration (say, 0.5) for the tween in GSAP 3. Is there a way to do this? Also, I'd like the tween to ignore pauses I've added between each state (w/ tl.addPause()). Is this the expected behavior? Thanks!
  22. jonForum

    tween convert value to string !

    hey nice bug It convert number to string! https://codepen.io/djmisterjon/pen/YzzRRWL
  23. jonForum

    tl.set tl.call bug ?

    hum i think i get another weird bug here with my current timeLine setup in my project. All my event seem broken. I think values are not compute on .set(). Here the small context of userCase. You should see 2 console.log 1:'call:0 succeed' 2:' a:10, b:10, c:0' we don't get the log 'call:0 succeed', if the timeLine times are 0. if we add example time = 1, we get 'call:0 succeed', but set values seem not hacked, and leaved to `a:0, b:0, c:0` codepen Can you confirm, or something change in the core ?
  24. james182

    List Active State Issues

    I am having issues in getting this to work properly, as I am new to GreenSock and JS in general. The active state should have the "dot" expand in width (which it does) but it's not going back when the next one is clicked.
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