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Posts posted by JR150

  1. Hi everyone!


    I was wondering if it is possible to get my project to continually spin instead of stopping at the top and having to scroll back. It is clicking into position perfectly other than that, but just thought I might be missing something. Any input would be appreciated, thank you!


    The Codepen:

    See the Pen WRBRMg by JR150 (@JR150) on CodePen

    See the Pen WRBRMg  by JR150 (@JR150) on CodePen

  2. Hi JR150  :)


    Welcome to the GreenSock forum.


    When you use Draggable you have several callbacks from which to choose: onDrag, onDragStart, onDragEnd etc. You can use those to trigger other animations. As far as positioning your pop-ups, that would really depend on what you're doing and more of a CSS question. Here's some more reading about Draggable:




    If you have specific questions about your project, please provide a CodePen demo so we may better assist you. More info about that:




    You should also check out the Draggable collection on CodePen:




    Happy tweening.



    Thank you for the response and the resources! Okay, I got the pop outs working because of them.


    I am trying to make it responsive now, just so it works on all devices and was having some trouble with it. I was wondering if I am missing something or doing something wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
    Thank you!
  3. Hello, first I would like to thank the amazing creators of these products! They have been an enormous help. I am working on creating a custom version of the Draggable Spin example.


    I have that pretty much down, but I would like to do is be able to make it so some text and a button pop up next to the section of the dial when you hit it, sort of like a watch and have it be responsive. I was a little confused on how the position of the pop ups would work and was wondering if there was a simpler way I was missing. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

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