I did this based on another post I saw here.
function blurt(tl, start, end ){
var tlp = (tl.progress()*100) >> 0;
if (start < end){
var inc = start + Math.abs(start - end)/100 * tlp;
}else {
var inc = start - Math.abs(start - end)/100 * tlp;
TweenMax.set(tl.target,{'-webkit-filter':'blur('+(inc)+'px)', 'filter':'blur('+(inc)+'px)'});
Just call the function onUpdate with parameters onUpdateParams: ["{self}", starting blur, ending blur] so onUpdateParams: ["{self}", 0, 4] this blurs from 0px to 4px.
So in the sample the text transforms and blurs in and out with the duration of the tween.
I will do this with other css filters.