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Where is force3D documented?

garyw test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Every little detail, including but not limited to:


- Is it a property of TweenMax or CSSPlugin?

- What exactly are its effects and side effects?

- What is its default value?

- When would I want to enable it or disable it?



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I do remember months ago that force3D was documented in the CSSPlugin docs.. but your right it is no longer there :(


- Is it a property of TweenMax or CSSPlugin?



- What exactly are its effects and side effects?

using it too much or too much on large images can cause a performance hit

if used sparingly it can increase smoothness and performance of the animation

check out this article on css-tricks by Jack - Myth Busting CSS Animations vs JavaScript


- What is its default value?



- When would I want to enable it or disable it?

when using CSS Transforms like scale, rotate, skew, and also opacity but again it depends on what, and how much your animating if you need it or not


Also if you do a search for force3D in this GSAP JS forum than you can find a lot of other Posts that have a great wealth of info in them.


I hope this helps?


P.S.  Also Jack or Carl correct me if i'm wrong about the above.. :)

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