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microsite project using draggable, GSAP

azuki test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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howdy GSAP team!


Just wanted to post a recently launched project using GSAP, specifically draggable and ThrowPropsPlugin.  This is designed for mobile phones only so please check it out on your phone to get the full experience.




thanks to Jack, Carl, and the whole GSAP community - always helpful and friendly!  And thanks in advance for taking it for a spin  :)



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Hi Azuki,

That's fantastic. The Draggable dial of shoes works excellent as well as the side-to-side swiping through the galleries.




I can tell a ton of work must have gone into all that.





Sorry to bring bad news...

One thing though that I'm seeing on an iPhone4S with IOS6, is that the top-left menu is not opening when I tap on it. The menu on the top right opens sometimes, but it seems kind of pesky. 

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Hi all,


Thank you very much for taking the time to check out the project - and for the comments and feedback!  It should be up and running now as I haven't taken it down since launch...


Regarding viewing this outside of a mobile device:  Yes, this was designed specifically for mobile but upon launch (gotta love great timing) the device detection from our side was breaking, allowing the mobile version to be viewed on a desktop browser rather than serving up a different desktop experience within our regular site framework.


This had an interesting and unexpected result - the engagement from tablet users skyrocketed, where tablet users are typically served our normal desktop site.  Unfortunately, this was unplanned so the experience wasn't designed with tablet in mind and less than ideal but it's definitely noted for future projects.


Carl, thank you for your feedback.  It seems a few bugs slipped through our QA - the nightmare scenario after pouring so much work into a project.  This was built in the Zurb Foundation 5.0 framework which has a few responsive off-canvas nav bugs related to it.  Definitely not trying to point the finger here - it is, after all, a framework to build upon and a fantastic starting point, imho.


Thanks again for checking it out!



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Oh, yeah, I thought the mobile version was cooler quite frankly - the Draggable stuff was fun and engaging to play around with. I liked being able to flick the wheel around in the corner. You should definitely consider implementing that stuff in the desktop/tablet version of the site. Nice to hear that engagement skyrocketed on tablets when it was "accidentally" served to them :)

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azuki I tested the mobile site on my Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean) .. and saw no issues.. either on the day you first posted your link .. and / or after fixing those issues that Carl pointed out where happening on the iPhone4S with IOS6. So looks like Android, at least on my mobile device, looked and functioned ok.


I agree with Jack .. it would be cool to see the shoe wheel on the desktop version too.. but really cool :)

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