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RotationY not consistent with all objects

arcadiabc test
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I am consecutively rotation a series of object on the stage and I am initializing them by setting their rotationY to -65 and then rotationY to zero. The problem I am having is that objects from left to right are not starting from the same rotationY position. Some look to be less rotated than others. The interesting part is that from right to left the rotation lenses as if they are all in some sort of unified perspective. Can anyone please shed some light into this? 


Thank you in advance. 

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Yes, Flash tries to simulate a real world perspective. As objects move to the left and right of the "camera" they will appear more distorted.


If you have movie clip in the center of the stage with rotationX:90, you won't see it at all. as you move that object over to the right you will start to see its inner side.



This is a great tutorial and demo on how you can change that default behavior:



start the images spinning and hit remove and restore a bunch of times.

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