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SteppedEase to animate a DOM sprite with rows?

walltea test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hi there,


I was wondering if there was a way to used SteppedEase to animate a DOM element with a background image as a sprite where the background image has multiple rows of frames.


See attachment for example.


Ideally for the attached example I'd like it to animate row 1 from frames 1-4, then row 2 from frames 1-4, then reset and repeat.


Is this possible with SteppedEase? If so can someone point me in the right direction?





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Unfortunately that's with one row of sprites (all frames are in a single linear progression). You can alternatively do that with a syntax like: 

var frameWidth = 22, numCols = 16;
var steppedEase = new SteppedEase(numCols);

TweenMax.to('selector', 1, {backgroundPosition: '-'+(frameWidth*numCols)+'px 0px', ease:steppedEase, repeat:-1});

My problem arises for sprite sheets with multiple rows, like the one originally attached. I need a way to animate frames 1-4 from row 1, then step to row 2 and animate frames 1-4, then loop.

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Yeah, I guess that would be the easiest route.


I would then just use the code from above:

function animateSmoke() {
	var frameWidth = 22, numCols = 16 * 6;
	var steppedEase = new SteppedEase(numCols);

	TweenMax.to('.smoke', 1, {backgroundPosition: '-'+(frameWidth*numCols)+'px 0px', ease:steppedEase, repeat:-1});

My next question would be then, how would I start the animation on a random frame and continue through the loop?

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