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I'm using ThrowPropsPlugin to animate a sprite called imageContainer:


The code I'm using is from the ThrowPropsPlugin  example found here: http://www.greensock.com/throwprops/



ThrowPropsPlugin.to(imageContainer, {throwProps:{
y:{velocity:yVelocity, max:maskBounds.top, min:maskBounds.top - yOverlap, resistance:300},
x:{velocity:xVelocity, max:maskBounds.left, min:maskBounds.left - xOverlap, resistance:300}
}, onUpdate:scrollUpdate, onComplete:scrollEnd, ease:Strong.easeOut
}, 10, 0.3, 0);


Is there a method I can call on TweenLite that forces the animation to end instantly but still places my imageContainer where it was heading within the bounds? 
Any help appreciated!
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Hi Rolf,


Welcome to the GreenSock forums.


Yes, ThrowPropsPlugin.to() returns a TweenLite instance


to () method
public static function to(target:Object, vars:Object, maxDuration:Number = 100, minDuration:Number = 0.25, overshootTolerance:Number = 1):TweenLite



So in your case you should be able to just create a reference to your tween like so

var throwTween = ThrowPropsPlugin.to(imageContainer, {throwProps:{y:{velocity:yVelocity, max:maskBounds.top, min:maskBounds.top - yOverlap, resistance:300},
x:{velocity:xVelocity, max:maskBounds.left, min:maskBounds.left - xOverlap, resistance:300}
}, onUpdate:scrollUpdate, onComplete:scrollEnd, ease:Strong.easeOut
}, 10, 0.3, 0);

and then later if you want to force that tween to finish


Let us know if you need more help

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