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Painless XML Translation AS2

vilmar souza test
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Ah, thanks for the link. XMLParser was a bit before my time;)


In order to get that info you need to basically ask your XMLParser object for it.


Paste this code into the XMLParser_sample.fla that comes with the download:


import com.greensock.dataTransfer.XMLParser;

//create a reference to your XMLParser
var myXML = XMLParser.load("myDocument.xml", onFinish, null, false, true);

function onFinish($success:Boolean, $parsedObject:Object, $xml:XML) { //This fhunction gets called as soon as the XML loads and gets parsed.
if ($success) {

//REMOVE the enterFrame
delete _root.onEnterFrame;
} else {
trace("FAILED to load XML");

function displayResources($parsedObject:Object):Void {
var i:Number;
var books:Array = $parsedObject.Book;
for (i = 0; i < books.length; i++) {
display_tf.text += "Book " + i + ": " + books[i].name + " (ISDN: " + books[i].ISDN + ")\n";

var novels:Array = $parsedObject.Novel;
display_tf.text += "-----------------------------------------" + newline;
for (i = 0; i < novels.length; i++) {
display_tf.text += "Novel " + i + ": " + novels[i].name + " (Description: " + novels[i].Description[0].nodeValue + ")\n";

function showImage($parsedObject:Object):Void {
var l:Number = this.getNextHighestDepth();
var mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("image" + l, l);
mc._x = 250;
mc._y = 220;

//Poll the loaded info onEnterFrame (delete enterFrame in finish event above);
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
trace(myXML.bytesLoaded + "/" + myXML.bytesTotal + " as percent = " + myXML.percentLoaded);

I've added some comments to the code. 

In order to test the progress effectively use Flash's bandwidth profiler when testing locally.


1: export swf

2: Menu : VIew > Simulate Download


Use View > Download Settings to configure a fake slow download speed like 14.4

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