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new to TweenLite and AS3. How link multiple mc to the same function

laxbuddha test
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If all your clips are inside the same parent, then this is a very easy way to do it:



That link has a video and source files.


Another way to share the same functions for multiple buttons is to just use a simple loop:




import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;

//loop through all buttons and assign listeners
for(var i = 1; i <=4; i++){
this["b" + i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, navOver);
this["b" + i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, navOver);

//on mouse over do this
function navOver(e:MouseEvent):void{
TweenMax.to(e.target, .8, {tint:0xff0000});

//on mouse out do this
function navOut(e:MouseEvent):void{
TweenMax.to(e.target, 2.5, {tint:null});


This assumes all buttons are named chronologically b1, b2, b3 etc.

I attached a cs5 file that uses the code above


Or you can store your button names in an array.

Or you can use OOP to create a class that all buttons share:








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