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Access XML before loading complete

emsee test
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I know it's possible to have mixed xml (with loader's and also other content), but I'm having trouble working out how to access XML in LoaderMax before child loaders have finished.


For example, here's a simple version of my xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <LoaderMax name="..." prependURLs="assets/" load="true">
            <MP3Loader name="..." url="..." autoPlay="false"/>
            <ImageLoader name="..." url="..."/>
        <LoaderMax name="..." prependURLs="assets/" load="true">
            <SWFLoader name="..." url="..."/>
            <SWFLoader name="..." url="..."/>
	<prompts>Some other content</prompts>


All good so far. I get an onChildComplete event for each item loaded, plus one for each LoaderMax itself. Once everything is loaded, I get an onComplete event.




I really need an event for the XML file itself. I can access it once everything else has loaded, but I really need to access it before the load has completed (I'm assuming it's the first thing loaded?).


Is this possible?


I really hope it is!

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