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rollover in rollover

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Hello everybody,


My brain loops!!


I create a mouseover whith Adobe Edge and TweenMax, thats not the problem, but inside this symbol there is an element which also should work with mouseover TweenMax. But it does not work well.



The symbol:

TweenMax.to(sym.$("bilder"),3,{css:{y:0, scale:1}, ease:Expo.easeOut});

the element inside the symbol:

TweenMax.to(sym.$("blue02"),0.4,{css:{scale:1, opacity:0.5}});









Any help would be great.




Oliver from Germany

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As noted in your previous post, I don't have a lot of experience with Edge. It appears from your demo that when you mouseover the red rectangle which has a name of "blue2", it is causing a mouseout to fire on the bilder symbol. 


I'm not really sure how you would solve that with Edge. 

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This is not so much an EA issue as a general interaction issue. Consider assigning roll-out code at a later date once the initial roll-over has occurred - that way you have more control over when and how the roll-out will behave. Maybe even consider adding the interactions to the nested buttons once the menu has slid out...

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