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Where are the OutIn easing equations?

Jeremy Rudd test
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Hi all,


In previous versions of GSAP you have the OutIn easing equations, such as BounceOutIn. In GSAP v12 however, I can't find these. Even in the main class Bounce, I have only spotted 3 variants of the ease : out, in, and inOut. Where's the OutIn versions of each ease? Do you have to use InOut as OutIn by reversing it in some way?


Am I missing something here?


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Hmmm...maybe my memory is totally failing me right now, but I don't remember ever having such eases in the platform - could you send me the files you're referring to? I just checked the docs for v11 too and I see no such eases.


When we first came out with the SlowMo ease for v12 (beta), it was called OutIn because that's essentially what it was, but much more. You can completely control the strength and how long the linear portion of the ease is, etc. Have you checked out SlowMo? There's a visualizer tool on the v12 page at http://www.greensock.com/v12/

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Wierd. I just checked everything I have and I can't find them too in GSAP 10/11/12! I finally found it in another tweening engine. Apparently I merged these eases and use them on a daily basis. You should add them in pronto!




Open the cheatsheet SWF, click on "Complete". Spot the OutIn equations? You'll find sources attached.


Have fun.

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Did you check out the SlowMo ease? It does everything that most of your OutIn examples do plus more. You have precise control over the strength plus you can optionally have it transition smoothly into a linear motion in the middle of the tween (for whatever proportion you want). The only thing it can't do is something like Elastic or Back or Bounce, but I can honestly say that in all my years of doing this I can't remember even one person requesting something like that. Adding OutIn to all of the eases is something that would add kb across the board and I'm hesitant to do that unless there's a very clear (and strong) demand for it, you know? Of course you can still use any ease that you want - even custom ones like the stuff you referenced. I'm just saying I don't think OutIn should be added to every standard ease in the library by default.


Thanks for the info and suggestion, though. I'd love to hear what you think about SlowMo ease.

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No issues Jack, glad you already have something in place. I saw SlowMo a while ago, its very intelligent, and I can see why it does pretty much everything the OutIn eases do.


Can you explain why InOut is used more commonly than OutIn? The only time I've used InOut is to get a slow-startup, quick-motion and slow-stop effect. This feels more natural than either In/Out separately, so its useful when you're moving a big object onscreen and need to make it look smooth.

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I think *InOut is used more often because it's more "natural". Typically when things start to move in real life, they start out slow, accelerate, and then decelerate to a stop rather than the other way around. Sometimes you'll see a sudden burst and then an ease out, like when a bat hits a ball. But it's pretty rare that you see an OutIn behavior in nature. However, SlowMo ease is nice for effects where you want an object to seem as though you caught it mid-motion and slowed it down temporarily so that you could see it moving (think movie titles zooming across the screen) and then accelerate it back to its previous speed.

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