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Tweening autoAlpha creates gray background on PNG24 image

antoniobrandao test
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I'm tweening the autoAlpha of a PNG24 image, but a gray background is appearing around it, in the area that should be transparent.


I set it's "visibility:hidden" in the CSS. Then I use Javascript to find out if it's visible in the browser while scrolling. When it is in the viewable area, I tween it to autoAlpha = 1, and in the end of the tween I remove the listener. Basically, this is to implement the effect of showing images only when the user scrolls down to them.


But strangely, that gray background is being created. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a technique to prevent this?


I attached the troublesome image to this post so you can see it.




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This image seems to have some sort of shadow around it, if you open it with Photoshop you can see its not tottaly white or transparent around it. If that is not the case then I'm not sure what is going on, as I have set autoAlpha with many .png transparent images and it worked fine.

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Thanks for your test Michael, and yes, the badge does have a slight glow around it, but this glow does not fill the entire image.


If you try opening the image again in Photoshop, use the marquee tool and select a portion of it, far from the badge, near the borders, and Photoshop will tell you either "Could not complete your command because the selected area is empty", or "Warning: no pixels were selected".


There is indeed transparency, otherwise we wouldn't even see the white/gray chess underneath it.


Still looking for a solution for this...

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