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VideoLoader - keep 2 looping videos in sync?

Cloud Media Lab test
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I have two videos of identical length that I need to play in sync.


Occasionally they do loop in sync but are most often offset by some small amount. Unfortunately this is very noticeable in my application.



video1.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, function():void {
video1.gotoVideoTime(0, true);
video2.gotoVideoTime(0, true);


Any suggestions, please?

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The challenge is that the way Flash handles video involves a buffering process which can be a bit unpredictable. Imagine having two browser windows open that are both set to play the same YouTube video and you click the "reload" button on the browser simultaneously - the videos probably wouldn't be perfectly synced. The processor and network and memory all have to work together and there can be little hang-ups in any of those.


One thing you could try is to pause both videos (when you want to loop) and then gotoVideoTime(0) for both and listen for the BUFFER_FULL event to be dispatched for both of them. Once you receive BOTH, you can playVideo().

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Great suggestion, it appears to be working well.


Thanks! Snippets of code...




video1buffer = new NativeSignal(video1, VideoLoader.VIDEO_BUFFER_FULL, LoaderEvent);
video2buffer = new NativeSignal(video2, VideoLoader.VIDEO_BUFFER_FULL, LoaderEvent);
video1buffered = false;
video2buffered = false;

video1.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, function(event:LoaderEvent):void {


public function videoSeek(time:Number):void {
//Cc.info( "videoSeek("+time+")" );
video1buffered = false;
video2buffered = false;

public function videoBuffered(event:LoaderEvent):void {
if (event.target == video1) video1buffered = true;
if (event.target == video2) video2buffered = true;
if (video1buffered && video2buffered) {

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