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Tiago Diaz test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hello i am making this site, as others can se on my posts:




And it´s working perfectly the animations, BUT, our beloved IE9-, its making things harder...


Test the upper menu with IE9- so you can se the bugs, i can´t resume them all... :?


Any help will be most wellcome!


Note: Using TweenMax not minified for debug pourposes. On ie 7 trows me an error on TweenMax.js, line 2809 character 7

Edited by Tiago Diaz
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Hi Tiago,


Sorry to hear that you're still having problems.


Right now you have a lot of your code commented so there is actually little to nothing going on, it would help if you could provide a live test with the complete code in order to check where the problem could be. Also it would help if you could post some of the code here in the forum so other users can take a look at it, the more eyes see it more likely to be resolved.


Regarding the problem with IE7, first remember that this forum is in english meu amigo so it would be line 2809 character 7, and second i believe you're going to need more specialized help from the Greensock masters in this one.


Sorry i couldn't help you right now, I'll be waiting for the complete code in order to take a look at it.




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Sorry rodrigo, i was just testing... and my aptana is sending the ftp on save...




I have putted ir back if you wan´t to test it right now...


I will not touch it anymore...


I am thinking if it not work i will not animate on IE just that... but i will be gladly if it animate on IE of course...

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Hi Tiago,


Your site is coming along nicely.

Sorry to hear about the IE trouble.


In order for us to offer a solution to the problem, it would really help if you can provide files that we can test (locally) to isolate the problem. These files should only contain enough css, js, html, images etc to replicate the problem.


It is very difficult to view a complete page and try to guess what could be wrong, especially since we can't make any changes to test our assumptions.


Perhaps you can make a very small set of files that only include the menu. You can host a zip on your domain (and provide a link) or attach them to this thread using "more reply options".

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