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Braking effect with decreasing the timeScale property

rivella50 test
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Hi there,


for a mobile car game i use Starling and TweenMax for all animations.

Since i would like to show a realistic driving behaviour the cars should also be able to brake

and accelerate when obstacles occur or vanish.

I thought about changing the timeScale property of the car's tween that needs to brake (from 1 to 0) or

accelerate again (from 0 to 1) with another Tween. First tests show me that the animated cars with a changed timeScale property do not drive that fluent anymore as with a value of 1.0.

What do you think, is this a good and performant approach to implement that behaviour or would there be better options ?


Thanks for your opinions.

Best regards


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Tweening the timeScale of a tween is actually something we recommend and use quite often There is no reason to believe there would be any undesirable performance involved.


If possible, please post a very simple example that we can easily publish that illustrates the undesirable behavior. I'm curious to see this behavior.

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Thank you very much for your answer, Carl.

At first i just wanted to make sure if that's the way to go for the desired behaviour.

I will do some more tests first, but i would like to come back to you if the results will not get better.


Best regards


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