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Loadermax transparent png bg click-through?

Jonah test
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If I use LoaderMax to load pngs with transparent backgrounds and add mouse event listeners to the pngs, will the listeners respond when the mouse is over the transparent portion of the png? If so, is there a way to change this so that the mouse events only dispatch when hovering over opaque portions of the png? Thank you

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If I use LoaderMax to load pngs with transparent backgrounds and add mouse event listeners to the pngs, will the listeners respond when the mouse is over the transparent portion of the png?




is there a way to change this so that the mouse events only dispatch when hovering over opaque portions of the png?


yes there are a number of ways to do this. If you google "actionscript mouse events transparent png" you will find a lot of discussions on the topic.


I've found Moses G's InteractivePNG class pretty easy to implement: http://blog.mosessupposes.com/?p=40


Below is an example of how you can add the rawContent of a GreenSock ImageLoader to an InteractivePNG instance:


import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.loading.*;
import com.greensock.events.*;
import com.mosesSupposes.bitmap.InteractivePNG;
var image:ImageLoader = new ImageLoader("diamond.png", {onComplete:completeHandler});
var iPNG:InteractivePNG = new InteractivePNG();



function completeHandler(e:LoaderEvent){

//place the loaded png into the InteractivePNG clip
//update the InteractivePNG's hitArea
//add you CLICK handler
iPNG.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);

iPNG.buttonMode = true;

function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{


cs4 files attached


I have included the InteractivePNG class for your convenience, but I suggest you download the docs and view the interactive demo to understand it better here: http://www.mosessupposes.com/utilities/


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