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gsap.to works perfectly but not gsap.from

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useGSAP(() => {
    gsap.from(".box", { x: -100, stagger: 2 });
Above doesn't work but below works
useGSAP(() => {
    gsap.to(".box", { x: -100, stagger: 2 });
// What am I missing here?
.box {

Okay finally found the issue after hours of debugging and going through forum.


I had a transition in my h1 and that has a conflict with .from but works okay with .to

I read you shouldn't transition something you are already animating. Which yeah makes sense. I added transition before adding GSAP so I wasn't able to catch it.


Kudus to the forum. Members and support is active. Thanks

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100% - CSS transitions on elements you're animating is a big no-no. To may have worked, but if you look closely you'll see that the easing and duration will be off too. GSAP and CSS basically fight for control of the element.

Glad you figure it out!

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