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problem with forceSelectionToFront? (as2.0) [SOLVED]

chup test
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Hi, i have this following code that add item dynamically to the stage. But it there is some problem with it.


For the 3rd item i insert and move, it will remove the 1st item

for the 6th item i insert and move, it will remove the 2nd item

for the 9th item i insert and move, it will remove the 3rd item

for the 12th item i insert and move, it will remove the 4th item


but the item will not be be remove if i just simple insert and not move the item. So i suspect the problem is with the "forceSelectionToFront" which kinda change the depth of the item and cause the problem.


here is my code


// transform manager
var manager_obj = new TransformManager({targetObjects:[], bounds:{xMin:-300, xMax:700, yMin:-300, yMax:650}, forceSelectionToFront:true, scaleFromCenter:true, allowDelete:true, constrainScale:true, lineColor:0xa23a3b, handleFillColor:0x888888, eventHandler:onAnyEvent});

// add item to stage
totalDesignItem = 1;
totalDesignCount = 0;
stageWidth = miniStage._width;
stageHeight = miniStage._height;
for (i=1; i<=totalDesignItem; i++) {
this.cpanel.panel2.elementMc["elementTn"+i].btn.onRelease = function() {
	totalDesignCount += 1;
	id = this._parent._name.substr(9, 2);
	miniStage.itemHolder["stageElement"+totalDesignCount]._x = stageWidth/2;
	miniStage.itemHolder["stageElement"+totalDesignCount]._y = stageHeight/2;
	// add item to transform manager



any idea where did i go wrong?


thanks in advance :)

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It's typically a bad idea to hard-code the depth levels like that because you're assuming there's nothing at that level even though there may be. Instead, you should use getNextHighestDepth() and let Flash tell you what's available. TransformManager adds some things to the stage (like the cursors).

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