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New Greensock Member having trouble

suleymankiani test
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I am a new Greensock member. I was previously using gsap-trial drawSVGPulgin in my resume cv react application. When attempting to deploy the application at my domain, I was greeted with the following message. I registered as a green sock member, installed gsap and registered the plugin as follows. I uninstalled the trial version from my app and rebuilt it but it still will not allow me to deploy. I am still getting the same message. However, when I run my project locally, it works I am unsure how to fix this issue.


import { gsap } from "gsap"
import { DrawSVGPlugin } from "gsap/DrawSVGPlugin";

Oops! Trial version of DrawSVGPlugin deployed

The previous page improperly used a trial version of DrawSVGPlugin, a plugin that requires a Club GreenSock membership. That file only works on certain domains like codepen.io. See 

See the Pen OPqpRJ by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

 for a full list of trial URLs.

Club GreenSock members can download unrestricted versions of DrawSVGPlugin and all the other bonus plugins from their account dashboard anytime. If you're not a member yet, what are you waiting for? Animation superpowers await! Sign up today.

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Welcome to the Club, @suleymankiani?


You must be using one of those old trial files somewhere. I wonder if you need to clear your cache...maybe even your NPM cache or lock file? It's pretty difficult to troubleshoot blind but without a doubt there's a trial file being loaded in your project somewhere. Maybe do a search for the word "trial" in all your files? 

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