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Binding EventListeners to multiple ID's

cbourne test
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Go to solution Solved by Toso,

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I have page with some some squares defined as buttons. I have a function that attaches an onClick handler to each the buttons which works fine, however I can't work out how to add a mouseover animation to each of the buttons. 

I've attached a codepen that demonstrates what I have so far. 

See the Pen WNgZWeZ by carlskii (@carlskii) on CodePen

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Hmm.. So I tried the Attribute Plugin using this code, but it doesn't work with my SVG. 

let elements = document.querySelectorAll('.button');

    let clickEvent = (e) => {
      console.log('some event content here...')
      console.log("----------------" + e.target.id + "----------------------")
    elements.forEach((item) => {
      item.addEventListener("mouseenter", ()=>{
		gsap.to(item, {attr: {fill: "#F2653A"}, duration: 1, overwrite: "auto" });
      item.addEventListener("mouseout", ()=>{
            gsap.to(item, {attr: {fill: "red"} ,duration: 1, overwrite: "auto" });
      item.addEventListener('click', clickEvent)




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Hmm.. So I tried the Attribute Plugin using this code, but it doesn't work with my SVG. Actually it doesn't seem to work with the basic div's either.

let elements = document.querySelectorAll('.button');

    let clickEvent = (e) => {
      console.log('some event content here...')
      console.log("----------------" + e.target.id + "----------------------")
    elements.forEach((item) => {
      item.addEventListener("mouseenter", ()=>{
		gsap.to(item, {attr: {fill: "#F2653A"}, duration: 1, overwrite: "auto" });
      item.addEventListener("mouseout", ()=>{
            gsap.to(item, {attr: {fill: "red"} ,duration: 1, overwrite: "auto" });
      item.addEventListener('click', clickEvent)




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Fill is not a CSS property of regular DOM elements and, as stated in the documentation, the Attribute Plugin is not meant for DOM elements when you animate CSS properties, that's what the CSS Plugin is for.


Please create a minimal demo that shows exactly what you're trying to do.


Happy Tweening!

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There are no SVG elements in your code so this I can't understand correctly:

34 minutes ago, cbourne said:

So I tried the Attribute Plugin using this code, but it doesn't work with my SVG

The solutions provided by @Toso and Jack should be enough for the codepen example you have. As mentioned before there is no need for the Attribute Plugin if you want to animate the background color of a DIV or any other regular DOM element, just follow the code that has already been provided and you should be fine. Unless your real life scenario does include SVG elements, but you're not including them in the codepen examples you're providing, so we're running in circles here.


Happy Tweening!

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