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repeating animation

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Go to solution Solved by akapowl,

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I was trying make kind of like a solar system animation where the the concentric rings are made with divs and then one more div inside for the respective planets bt when i try to animate the thing using timeline... I used rotate: "+=360cw" and repeat:-1 but it starts the rotation with good speed and slowly slows down to the end until it eventually stops and then speed up again how do i make it move with uniform speed i tried changing the ease to none.none still doesnt work

  • Solution

Welcome to the forum @Its_Frostz.


I think you were on the right track, already. GSAP applies a default ease of 'power1.out' to every tween - if you want a linear  movement on your tween, set the ease to 'none', that should help with what you are experiencing. If it doesn't, please provide a minimal demo, that demonstrates your issue. I hope that will already help you, though.


gsap.to('.thisOrThat', { rotation: '+=360cw', repeat: -1, ease: 'none'}) 



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thank u so much 

I used none.none from the easing visualizer like the code at the bottom said

gsap.to(graph, { duration: 2.5, ease: "none.none", y: -500 });

so i just copied it from there while i had to use only none


thank u so much

have a nice day my man


Hi everyone!


It was indeed an issue with the construction of the string and as @mvaneijgen pointed out it should be just "none".


The problem should be solved now (just in case clear your cache):




Happy Tweening!

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