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3D carousel codepen not working with latest GSAP version

fionchadd test
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Go to solution Solved by Rodrigo,

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Hi there, 


I'm trying to modify the codepen above, which I found linked in a forum thread from earlier this year;

 to create a vertical scrolling slot-wheel type animation.  I've got pretty close to what I want, and now I'm trying to use it with scrolltrigger rather than draggable: 

See the Pen eYKWYNm by fionchadd (@fionchadd) on CodePen



The trouble is, when I install ScrollTrigger, it says I need a newer version of GSAP core (at least 3.11), whereas the version in the original codepen is v3.6.1, and when i update the version of GSAP to the latest version the whole layout falls apart (in both codepens) and I'm not entirely sure why! It seems to be not adding the translate3D values to the items, but I can't work out why because I can't work out how they're being applied in the first place! 

If anyone can help me work out what's happening (or what's not happening that should be) I'd really appreciate it. 




See the Pen mdROBXx by creativeocean (@creativeocean) on CodePen

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