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Question about hiding header on scoll

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Go to solution Solved by Cassie,

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Hey GSAP friends,


I recently found this handy post/CodePen by @mikel , which was exactly the solution I needed. I have a header with 2 parts -- the top bar has social media and some other links -- and then the bottom part is the header where the logo sits, as well as the menu and I'm going to put a search box in the far left. On scroll down, I want to hide the bottom part of the header but keep the top part sticky.


I had tried using headroom.js but I couldn't figure out how to get the top bar to remain sticky. I also do prefer to use GSAP where possible because it gives me so much more control.


My issue is that when my menu opens, there's a bit of extra room to scroll down because the GSAP pushes the menu up, and I don't know how to fix it.


Here's a test page with 200vh of empty space so you can see what I mean.


Sidenote: I don't know why the logo isn't sitting properly in the header. It was working fine and then suddenly it shifted and I haven't been able to pinpoint the issue there, so if you happen to notice what's going on there, any help would be appreciated, but since I feel like it's a CSS thing, my biggest concern is the GSAP stuff.



Heya! You'll need to stop the menu from resizing if the modal is open.


pseudo code


  trigger: "nav",
  start: "10px top",
  end: 99999,
  onUpdate: ({progress, direction, isActive}) => {
    if (direction == -1 && modalIsClosed) {
    } if (direction == 1 && modalIsClosed) {

Hope that helps!



(You've got a ton of padding shifting it out of the layout btw)


That was just pseudo code - not a snippet to copy paste.


Have you defined a modalIsClosed variable?

Please provide a minimal demo if you'd like more help - thanks!


THANK YOU! I could've spent days trying to figure this out.

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No worries! That menu is lovely too by the way. Nice job.

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