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Performance question: Which performs better backgroundPosition vs x?

SimonWidjaja test
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Go to solution Solved by Cassie,

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I need to create an infinite horizontal full-width slide animation.

I have a general question regarding performance. I know that the "white listed" high performance properties like transform, opacity should always be preferred. But I didn't find any information on the performance of animating backgroundPosition. Good idea or bad idea? 

Especially if the element is pretty huge (e.g. 2560x400px). Not sure if that makes a difference in context of backgroundPosition...

Thanks in advance!

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Hey Simon!


Thanks for being a club GreenSock member. ?

This is always my go to for these kind of questions...





Changing background-image does not trigger any geometry changes, which is good. But since it is a visual property, it will cause painting to occur. Painting is typically a super expensive operation, so you should be cautious.

Once any pixels have been painted the page will be composited together.


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Hey Cassie! Thanks for the quick response and the extremely useful link. I am not a performance expert, but that table tells me that animating backgroundPosition will result in more heavy lifting and more animation janks than moving the entire element via transform/translate, because it will add additional painting that is not needed with translates... Is this interpretation correct? Thanks again. Highly appreciated!

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