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Avoid flattening of stagger arrays

bannerboy test
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So, I'm pretty sure in past versions of gsap, target arrays were non-recursive; meaning if you pass in an array like [[element_0_0, element_0_1], [element_1_0, element_1_1]], it would treat it as two items. But it appears in gsap 3 it will be flattened into one big array of four items. Is there a way to turn this off?


I'm looping through an element's children and bundling each child with a corresponding child in another element, and these pairs need to animate together in a stagger (meaning each pair is synced). Any ideas?

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Hello @mikel, thanks for your quick reply!

So, when creating a codepen to show, it did behave as expected, which was really confusing. After messing around with it a bit, I found that the difference seems to be how the array is created; whether it uses query strings or actual element references. So [[el_0_0, el_0_1], [el_1_0, el_1_1]] behaves differently than [['#el_0_0', '#el_0_1'], ['#el_1_0', '#el_1_1']].


See the Pen oNpYezq?editors=0110 by axeen (@axeen) on CodePen

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4 hours ago, bannerboy said:

But it appears in gsap 3 it will be flattened into one big array of four items. Is there a way to turn this off?



No, all GSAP is using is the toArray utility.




It would be better to not even attempt to use nested arrays, but if you do, you should probably loop through them kind of like this.


[['div#box-0-0.box', 'div#box-1-0.box'],['div#box-0-1.box', 'div#box-1-1.box']].forEach(targets => {
  tl.to(targets, { scale: 1, stagger: 1 }, 0)


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