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Orbit along path in even manner with motionpathplugin

Akash Ranjan test
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Hello Guys,


I am having trouble creating an circular animation with motion path. Basically what I am trying to achieve is that all the 4 images rotate in even manner. for example First image should start from 0%, second from 25%, third from 50% and fourth from 75%. Here is the code sandbox for my code




Please see attached screenshot for what I am trying to achieve1340342091_Screenshot2021-08-27153811.png.a3c585d34b9cea38c968f85935aa666c.png


Please help me.







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Hello Cassie,


Thanks a lot for the help. This worked. The only issue I am seeing is that the images are not aligned to path when i load the page but when I refresh they appear correctly. The same this I am noticing with the pen you shared. Can you please help me with that.




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