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Cannot scroll when mouse cursor is on the pinned element | ScrollTrigger

mechaadi test
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Go to solution Solved by ZachSaucier,

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I am trying to use GSAP with a NextJS project, everything looks fine but for some reasons I am not able to scroll up or down whenever the mouse cursor is on top of the pinned element but it works when I move the mouse away from the pinned element and scroll again, any help is appreciated. I am attaching the code below.



Component code

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import styles from "./Landing.module.sass";

import { gsap } from "gsap/dist/gsap";
import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger";

export default function Hero() {
  const scoutHeroTrigger = useRef();
  const scoutHeroMobile = useRef();
  const scoutHeroWrapper = useRef()
  useEffect(() => {
    let timeline = gsap.timeline({
      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: scoutHeroMobile.current,
        pin: true,
        markers: true,
        start: "center center",
        end: "+=100 +=200",
        anticipatePin: true,
        pinReparent: true

    timeline.from(scoutHeroMobile.current, { right: -100, opacity: 1 });
  }, []);
  return (
    <div ref={scoutHeroTrigger}>
      <div ref={scoutHeroWrapper} className={styles.scoutHeroWrapper}>
        <div className={styles.scountIndexSVGContainer}>
          <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="none">
            <polygon points="0,100 100,0 100,100" />
          </svg>{" "}
        <div className={styles.scoutHeroContainer}>
          <div className={["scout-row scout-h-100", styles.scoutHeroRow].join(" ")}>
                "scout-col-8 scout-col-lg-12",
              ].join(" ")}
                Property details — <br />
                in your hand.
              <button>Learn More</button>
                "scout-col-4 scout-no-gutter scout-col-lg-12",
              ].join(" ")}
                style={{ zIndex: 99, right: 0 }}



Sass File

    height: 72px
    width: 100%
    background: #111
    position: fixed
    left: 0
    top: 0
    z-index: 100
        max-width: 1200px
        padding: 0 16px
        margin: 0 auto
        height: 100%
                display: flex
                align-items: center
                    margin-left: 32px
                    list-style-type: none
                    margin-left: 40px
                    float: left
                        font-weight: 500
                        font-size: 14px
                        line-height: 20px
                        display: block
                display: flex
                justify-content: flex-end
                align-items: center
                    border: none
                    width: 85px
                    height: 40px
                    outline: none
                    background: #FFFFFF
                    border-radius: 8px
                    font-weight: 500
                    font-size: 14px
                    line-height: 20px
                    color: #111111
                    cursor: pointer

    position: relative
    background: #111111
    margin-top: 72px
    height: 780px
        position: absolute
        bottom: 0
        width: 100%
        height: 10vw
            position: absolute
            bottom: 0
            width: 100%
            height: 10vw
            fill: #fff
            position: absolute
            bottom: -6.8px
            z-index: 1
            transform: rotate(1.5deg) !important
            position: absolute
            bottom: -87.1px
            z-index: 1
            left: -5px
            transform: rotate(1.5deg) !important
            position: absolute
            top: -71.1px
            z-index: 1
            right: 0
            transform: rotate(1.45deg) !important
            position: absolute
            top: -33.6px
            z-index: 1
            right: -5px
            transform: rotate(1.5deg) !important
            position: absolute
            top: -128.6px
            z-index: 1
            right: 30px
            transform: rotate(1.5deg) !important
        max-width: 1200px
        margin: 0 auto
        height: 100%
        padding: 16px
            align-items: flex-start !important
                font-size: 72px
                line-height: 98px
                color: #FFFFFF
                margin-top: 168px
                font-family: "Space Grotesk"
                font-weight: 700
                background: #FFFFFF
                border-radius: 8px
                width: 196px
                height: 62px
                margin-top: 32px
                font-size: 20px
                line-height: 30px
                cursor: pointer
                border: none
                transition: .1s
                transform: scale(1.05)
            position: relative
                position: relative
                top: 72px



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I will try to create a Next.JS app in CodeSandbox, looks like this is an issue with Next.JS/React only, I've tried the same thing in plain HTML and it was working just fine.


Give me some time and I will post the link of my codesanbox project in this thread.


Thanks :)

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Hey again,


So I just created the exact project on CodeSandbox (https://codesandbox.io/s/next-gsap-8knsv?file=/components/Landing/Hero.js)


Move the mouse on top of the Mobile Phone(since the mobile phone is the pinned element here in this case and I am having issues when I move the cursor on any pinned element and try to scroll up or down) then try to scroll up, then move the mouse away from the mobile phone for a few seconds, take the cursor to mobile phone again and try to scroll now, it sticks there.

Lemme know if you want me to explain it further.



Edited by mechaadi
More info on how to reproduce the bug.
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