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Using IF/ELSE not synching animation

payne199 test
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I have a set of 3 buttons. When a button is clicked, it moves, and then does a short animation. What I am trying to do is be sure the animations are in sync with one another if two or all three buttons had been pressed. This may not necessarily be a problem specific to gsap, but I am using the powerful platform and thought I would post to its forum. The Codepen should make my question clear. Thank you.

See the Pen NWNXabj by don199 (@don199) on CodePen

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HI Zach. Yeah, your second Codepen nailed it! The code was much simpler than I thought in terms of the amount of lines used. But I'll be chewing on that one for a while to really grasp what is going on with it. 

Although I called them buttons, in reality they will be images. When an image is clicked, it will reveal text as it goes across the screen. The user is then being prompted to click the image again if they are wanting to be taken to that specific page/category. 

Thanks so much!

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46 minutes ago, payne199 said:

used. But I'll be chewing on that one for a while to really grasp what is going on with it. 

Basically just added a parameter to the  function,


function ifElseAnimateBorder(ring)

we pass the parameter value [ringx] in the delayedCall


gsap.delayedCall(2, ifElseAnimateBorder,[ring1]);

and use it as the target for the tweens added to the timeline


.to(ring, 2,{scale: 1.3, ease: "power2.out"}, 0)

then tell the timeline to play from the start you could also use restart instead. 




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