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Moving Background Image Vertically on Scroll and hide after a section

Araf Hossain test
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As you can see in my codepen code there is a image and I want to fixed its position center in the section. When scrolling down it will follow the scroll.


When the following section comes up there will be a parallax effect. That means image will stick at the bottom of that section and following sections going up over the image. 

Here is a simple example. Like the form on that website, I want my image but in the center of viewport. 


If you don't understand please let me know.  

See the Pen Yzwpevj by arafnoob (@arafnoob) on CodePen

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4 hours ago, ZachSaucier said:

Hey Araf. There's a demo in the ScrollTrigger docs that does this sort of thing. What you're wanting is essentially a simplified version of this demo:




This is exactly what position: sticky was made for.

I really appreciate your answer. But it is very complicated for me :( Is there any simple way to do? 


Would you please give an example with my codepen code? Thank you :-) 



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