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Hey all,


Based on @OSUblake codepen - I have changes a few things.

Original codepen: 

See the Pen YrXdGZ by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen.


1. I am trying to create a way to display the selected value - the grey box at the top. I am using a .hitTest not sure if that the best way to do this.

2. I also want to find a way to have the selected value start on a specific value, this is kind of working but I had to do a very long way to achieve this. Line 25 using startValue variable. It compares two arrays and is a very painful way of doing it. 

3. I tried to rewirte this in GSAP3 but no luck - everything gets broken (think its the negative progress update)  

See the Pen zYrqydo?editors=0010 by dev-kp (@dev-kp) on CodePen.

. No values show up unless you drag and it gets stun and all the spacing is completely off.


Any help anyone help give would be great!




See the Pen xxZVMRz?editors=1010 by dev-kp (@dev-kp) on CodePen.


I was able to convert it to GSAP 3 only making sure to wrap the value passed into progress to the 0-1 range:

See the Pen oNbxRXP?editors=0010 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen.


 A hit test is fine to get the middle value. There are other ways to get it like elementsFromPoint and using the offset/"scroll" value but if what you have works and you understand it, that's great.


Your approach to setting the default position is interesting :) Honestly it's not that bad of an approach. There's probably a more clever way to do it if you spend time thinking about it.

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  • Thanks 1

@ZachSaucier thank you for this! completely forgot about that part! 


In regards to the arr 'lookup' is there no clever way to use % or something?


Gonna try and figure it out if any ideas let me know.


And thanks again!

15 hours ago, dev-kp said:

In regards to the arr 'lookup' is there no clever way to use % or something?

Like I said, there very probably is but I didn't spend the time to figure something out. What you have is fine is this is the extent of the project.

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