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mouse hover effect on stacked images using x and y axis grid

muhammad ayaz test
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Hey muhammad and welcome to the GreenSock forums.


First off, that version of GSAP is very old. We highly recommend using GSAP 3, which has a smaller file size, sleeker API, and a bunch of new features.


Secondly, unfortunately it looks like the challenges you're facing are more related to generic logic issues that are unrelated to GSAP. As much as we love helping people around here, we just don't have the resources to provide free consulting services for things that don't directly relate to GSAP. Is there anything GSAP-specific that I can help you with? If so, I'm happy to help.


This post might could get you started:


Also where did you get this code from? You shouldn't take it from somewhere unless you have permission to do so, even if you modify it.

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