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DrawSVGPlugin - Angular production issue

BrainsBlow test
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I am new to GSAP and I started angular project with gsap 2, I have issue with DrawSVGPlugin, on my LocalHost I have setup animation with drawsvg, it is working as expected, but after production build and deploy, this lines stoped to drawing and just loaded http://prntscr.com/q5r0jc

Here is link to my server

and I have also attached GIF from my LocalHost.

I hope someone can advice how I can find reason or any way to debug it since I don't have any errors.

Best regards


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Hi ZachSaucier!

Thank you for fast reply!

Here is imports:


import { TimelineLite, Back, Power1, SlowMo, TimelineMax, TweenMax, Linear, Power4} from 'src/gsap';
import SplitText from 'src/gsap/SplitText';
import DrawSVGPlugin from 'src/gsap/DrawSVGPlugin';


and it is code for one line 
TweenMax.from(document.getElementById('Line_10'), 1, {drawSVG: '0%', delay: 4});

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Hmm. Did you make sure to register the plugins before calling them? gsap.registerPlugin(DrawSVGPlugin, SplitText); That helps keep it from being tree shaken.


If that doesn't fix it you could try using the UMD files: import { DrawSVGPlugin } from "src/gsap/dist/DrawSVGPlugin";


Side note: It's usually better to use GSAP's timelines for sequenced animations instead of using a bunch of standalone tweens each with their own delay. It will make changing your animations much easier and has other benefits like easier controlling of your tweens as well.

I also highly recommend GSAP 3 :) 

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6 hours ago, ZachSaucier said:

Hmm. Did you make sure to register the plugins before calling them? gsap.registerPlugin(DrawSVGPlugin, SplitText); That helps keep it from being tree shaken.


I believe that @BrainsBlow is using v2, so that won't work. 


If using v2, then you can do this to prevent tree shaking from dropping the plugin.

import { TimelineLite, Back, Power1, SlowMo, TimelineMax, TweenMax, Linear, Power4} from 'src/gsap';
import SplitText from 'src/gsap/SplitText';
import DrawSVGPlugin from 'src/gsap/DrawSVGPlugin';

const plugins = [DrawSVGPlugin];

TweenMax.from(document.getElementById('Line_10'), 1, {drawSVG: '0%', delay: 4});


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  • 8 months later...

Hi guys,


I am trying use the draggable plugin in one of my components in angular. All is working fine but the universal server build doesn't like 'registerPlugins'. It all builds fine but server errors with 


 Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of undefined

Any ideas? 




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Hi Jack,


Actually that line of code is causing the error. My guess is that Angular Universal cannot render it as it has DOM. So anything that might tries to select an element will through an error. Just speculating,  the only solution is to check if the platform is browser and only init the plugin if this is true.


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