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[SOLVED] Is this the right approach for toggling a menu button?

HackGibson test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Edit: For clarification, this needs to use React hooks.


I have it transforming from = to x and vice versa, however, I had to hard code the reverse animation because I couldn't seem to get it to work by using the reverse or reveresed methods like shown below.


if (isMenuOpen) timeline.play()

else (timeline.reversed(true).play()


See the Pen by s (@s) on CodePen

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I didn't even see that you were using React. When I first looked at your question it had a broken CodePen link. I guess I should have refreshed. ;)


I see Blake is on the case and we can probably summon @Rodrigo too.




They'll probably get you you fixed up. Happy tweening.

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Guys I really appreciate the replies. Prior to discovering GSAP I was learning to animate with React-Spring which is a lot different than GSAP. The project I'm working on requires me to use React Hooks. In this specific case the animation needs to be controlled via a prop passed to it. I was able to get it working as shown below. @OSUblake is this efficient? 





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17 minutes ago, HackGibson said:

The project I'm working on requires me to use React Hooks. 


That's understandable. I've known about hooks for quite sometime, I just haven't gotten my hands dirty with them yet, so it was a little confusing about how to set stuff up.


I'm sure this is in React's docs, but can you quickly explain how useEffect works? Why is the first call like componentDidMount and the second call is like componentDidUpdate?


Seeing how you did that, the demo I made above would look like this. There's really no difference besides being a little shorter.


// componentDidMount
React.useEffect(() => {
  TweenLite.set([topLine.current, botLine.current], {
    transformOrigin: "50% 50%"
      .to(topLine.current, 0.1, { y: 6 }, 0)
      .to(botLine.current, 0.1, { y: -6 }, 0)
      .to(topLine.current, 0.1, { rotation: 45 }, 0.2)
      .to(botLine.current, 0.1, { rotation: -45 }, 0.2)
}, [timeline]);

// componentDidUpdate
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [isMenuOpen, timeline]);



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57 minutes ago, OSUblake said:

I'm sure this is in React's docs, but can you quickly explain how useEffect works? Why is the first call like componentDidMount and the second call is like componentDidUpdate?


First I should say the only reason timeline is in the 2nd argument array for useEffect is because codesandbox's linter suggests it, but it's not required. I've actually changed it to an empty array like the React docs suggest.


If there is no array for that 2nd argument, the useEffect method runs on every re-render. If there is an empty array, it runs on the first render only, the same behavior as componentDidMount. If there is a prop in that array, it will only run on a re-render if the prop's value changed, which is the same behavior as componentDidUpdate. And lastly, if you return a function it acts as componentWillUnMount. Check the console.log lines below.


  // componentDidMount
  React.useEffect(() => {
    console.log("useEffect 1: this executes only once.")
    TweenLite.set([top.current, bot.current], { transformOrigin: "50% 50%" })
        .to(top.current, 0.1, { y: 6 }, 0)
        .to(bot.current, 0.1, { y: -6 }, 0)
        .to(top.current, 0.1, { rotation: 45 }, 0.2)
        .to(bot.current, 0.1, { rotation: -45 }, 0.2)
    return () => {
      // componentWillUnmount
  }, [])

  // componentDidUpdate
  React.useEffect(() => {
      "useEffect 2: this executes on every click because isMenuOpen changes on every click"
  }, [isMenuOpen])


Thanks for your help! ❤️

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16 hours ago, OSUblake said:

Also, don't set transform origin with CSS. It's doesn't work the same in every browser.


I should clarify that I only meant for SVG elements. 


Setting the transform origin with CSS for HTML element won't cause any problems.

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