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Animate CC 19.1 change

Salakala test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I use Animate cc in conjunction with greensock to develope banners and animation.

In Animate cc 19.1 there looks to be a bug or change in code that affects how nested animations work in symbols.


Used to be able to do this:



Moves sym2 inside sym1 500 pixels. 


Making a new animation in "19.1" this no longer works. However opening a file in "19.1" made in version "18.whatever" this still works.


If possible please confirm behaviour. Or perhaps there is a better way of targeting nested symbols.


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yup. in Animate 19 Advanced Layers is a feature with turns layers into movie clips. So if Advanced Layers is turned on, everything in a layer is wrapped in another Movie Clip.  This is cool because it allows you to add filters and color effects to everything in an entire layer... but uncool because it breaks your code :(


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42 minutes ago, somnamblst said:

And PhotoShop 19 inserts lorem ipsum by default at your cursor...


Despite having access to the full suite of Adobe apps I still only use Photoshop CS6. I was literally considering uninstalling it just yesterday. Think I'll hang on for a bit... 




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2 hours ago, Carl said:

yup. in Animate 19 Advanced Layers is a feature with turns layers into movie clips. So if Advanced Layers is turned on, everything in a layer is wrapped in another Movie Clip.  This is cool because it allows you to add filters and color effects to everything in an entire layer... but uncool because it breaks your code :(



Is the name of this movie clip that that things are wrapped in known. Can it be targeted by code?



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