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Horizontal scroll with mouse using Draggable

JonQuayle test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hi all,


Looking for a hand or some advice if possible. I've created this codepen (below) and it works well enough when you drag the content horizontally but I would also like to be able to scroll with the mouse through the content, very much like the functionality of this website - https://antoni.de/cases/



I'm fairly new to Javascript and certainly GSAP, so any input is much appreciated.






See the Pen aXvOyx by JonQuayle (@JonQuayle) on CodePen


See the Pen aXvOyx by JonQuayle (@JonQuayle) on CodePen

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  • 1 year later...

Hi @mikel 
This example so good! Can You help me? I have two questions for You.

1. When viewing this carousel in  browsers Firefox and Safari, the slides twitch when scrolling. Tell me if this is a browser problem or can we fix it with the Draggable settings? 

2. Can I set the non-fixed width of the slides and set the inline width and left for #dragSpace #wrapperBoxes?

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3 hours ago, Dicom said:

1. When viewing this carousel in  browsers Firefox and Safari, the slides twitch when scrolling. Tell me if this is a browser problem or can we fix it with the Draggable settings? 

I don't see any twitch on my device. What OS and browser versions are you on?


3 hours ago, Dicom said:

2. Can I set the non-fixed width of the slides and set the inline width and left for #dragSpace #wrapperBoxes?

I'm not sure what you're asking here. can you please try to explain your question in a different way?

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@mikel Thanks I will search other way )

@ZachSaucier Ok, maybe a can talk in a different way 

1.  I use Windows 10 (x64)   Firefox 72.0.2(x64)

2.  We have fixed values in example:

#dragSpace {
  width:10000px; //this
  left:-5000px; //this
  width: 5000px; //this
  left: 5000px; //this
.box {
  width: 300px; //this

I need take result , where boxes (sections) have different sizes. And this width of box depends from child content. Maybe I talk no clear. 

3. But if tell true. I'm looking for tools that help me maked this functional on expample https://homesociete.ca/   . Sections have different sizes . When user scroll page the animation of main container is so smooth. 


This is not way because scoll all the section entirely.



This is not so because sections are the same size.





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Hi, @ZachSaucier


Here is a simplified codepen with problem we are facing. 
Shortly, horizontal scroll brings shaking translateX transform (as well as left) in Safari. Also this shaking is visible on slower PC's. 

See the Pen yLyWgrO by di_com (@di_com) on CodePen


Have you expirience with this issue? Have you any recommendations on how to make it smooth?

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Hey skhatko and welcome to the GreenSock forums. Thanks for the reduced demo!


I'm not seeing any shaking on my PC in Safari. It's hard to say what's causing it without even being able to see the behavior at all. How big are the jumps?


Also that demo doesn't use GSAP at all... These are the GreenSock forums :) We can't help with every non-GSAP request.

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/25/2019 at 10:44 AM, mikel said:

Hi @JonQuayle,


Welcome to the GreenSock Forum.


Here's a suggestion to combine drag and scroll:



Happy tweening . ...






Hi @mikel

thanks for your solution but I have a problem.

I need momentum on Draggable so I added throwProps: true and it works, here the codepen 


See the Pen xxGoryJ by netgloo (@netgloo) on CodePen


Now, you can reproduce my problem so: drag the boxes to, for example, number 8 and then scroll. You'll see that it start to scroll from the start and not from the point it was.

You know ho to solve?



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On 4/5/2020 at 6:48 AM, Black Ducas said:

drag the boxes to, for example, number 8 and then scroll. You'll see that it start to scroll from the start and not from the point it was.

You know ho to solve?

If you want to keep the same approach, then you should update the scroll position when the element is dragged and thrown. 


This thread may give additional helpful info:


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  • 4 months later...
1 hour ago, Raman Pratap said:

Hi Why we are getting black space after all boxes scroll

Hey Raman and welcome to the GreenSock forums. The black space is because the demo uses an arbitrary scroll height instead of calculating the actual width of the horizontal element. If you switch out that value for one the is based on the content's width it should work. However, the scroll event listener is not throttled which would likely be a good idea.


We have a plugin, ScrollTrigger, which can do that for you (along with many other things)! Check it out:

See the Pen yLeBMmm by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


Here's another approach:

See the Pen 896549f0a83297debd9111fe9b205a97 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

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  • 9 months later...

Hey @ferriss


You could use a proxy-element for the dragging part, just like this demo in the ScrollTrigger How-To Pens collection on codepen shows


See the Pen ZELQqeJ by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


I just quickly threw the JS in with your setup there to show it working. Hope this helps.


See the Pen 04366bfb314d0f2a19f5ae295d3e8f01 by akapowl (@akapowl) on CodePen


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  • 1 month later...


Hi there, I'm trying to rebuild this codepen from further up this thread 

See the Pen ZELQqeJ by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

in Webflow and I'm getting some errors in the console. I wondered if you might be able to help me track down the issue?  

The horizontal scroll seems to be working fine but I'm getting this error in the Draggable code - Uncaught TypeError: Draggable.create is not a function at (index):59

This is the link to the demo site - https://horizontal-scroll-test-e8d1e2.webflow.io/

I'm using the exact JS from the codepen so I just can't figure out why it's not happy. I've been trying everything I can think of but I'm pretty new to JS so any help you could give me would be much appreciated.


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Aha! That was it! Thanks so much for the quick response (and the correct answer!) Not sure how long it would have taken me to realise it wasn't GSAP Draggable. I must have searched for 'draggable' rather than searching GSAP and adding all the bits I needed.


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Hey @akapowl

I've been making some progress but stumbled onto some inconsistency between browsers that I can't seem to overcome. Would you take another look at my project please? I'm trying to wrap my horizontal scrolling section in a 80% width div with the overflow hidden to create a smooth scrolling carousel-type section fixed in the middle of the page.

I found that by overriding the z-index to 0 and overflow to hidden on the pin-spacer I can get what I want in Safari but the overflow remains visible in Chrome. If I change the position of the scrollContainer from fixed to relative or absolute the overflow works in Chrome but obviously this causes the 
section to scroll down with the page. I'm looking for a solution that works across browsers so could you suggest any possible methods for this?



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