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Garbage Collector and manage memory ?

jonForum test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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hi guys, i noticed when i delete a objets, the easing still loaded in memory.
What the best way to manage your api for a video game ?
do i need to stock all instance in a buffer and batch destroys them ?


Example here, all those objects not exist in my render, they was deleted, but keep existing in memory from your API.



What best practice, recommendation for manage the garbage collector ?
Did you have something native implemented yet?


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You shouldn't need to worry about GC (well, aside from deleting your own references). GSAP does a sweep roughly every 2 seconds to release animations for GC. My guess is that you're expecting things to immediately get removed, but you need to wait a little time. The browser will determine when it actually wants to do its own sweep, but GSAP will release things on its own typically within 2 seconds after they're done. Does that answer your question? 

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20 hours ago, GreenSock said:

You shouldn't need to worry about GC (well, aside from deleting your own references). GSAP does a sweep roughly every 2 seconds to release animations for GC. My guess is that you're expecting things to immediately get removed, but you need to wait a little time. The browser will determine when it actually wants to do its own sweep, but GSAP will release things on its own typically within 2 seconds after they're done. Does that answer your question? 

ok yes , thank , i maybe do mistake somewhere , because i do the screenshot after 30 second :)
These good to know that all this is automatic, I'll investigate thank you.

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