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Refresh Element Position Dynamically

swampthang test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I know the PathEditor is undocumented and unsupported so this isn't a question regarding its use. The reason it is used is because I'm trying to use its onUpdate callback to update the position of the animated element (image in the codepen) as a path node is dragged. For example, if I drag the right-most node to the left (in the codepen), the plane should move to the left as it follows the change in the path's position change. Is there a ready-to-use function in GSAP to make this happen?

See the Pen 55b372c591dcc7e2bdb2afff89d72a18?editors=0010 by swampthang (@swampthang) on CodePen

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Thanks. For anyone else interested in this sort of thing, I ended up setting up a MutationObserver and it works like a charm. In config I set it to listen only to attributes and on the path there's a transform attribute. MutationObserver allows you to snag the old value so creating a delta was easy-peasy. You have to pass that in as part of the config setup though like...


config = {attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true}


It does return that old value as a string like "matrix(1 0 0 1 23 8)" so you have to get the x/y values out of that. Here's my code in case anyone is interested. I'll refactor it but this gets the job done. I have 2 things that have to be moved with it - a dragger and a wrapper for the image. The element IDs are stored in variables passed as an object to the function but this is the listener setup...


function setPathDragListener(B) {
  // set up mutationObserver
  let path = document.getElementById(B.settings.imageBez.pathID),
      wrapper = document.getElementById(B.settings.imageBez.wrapperID),
      dragger = B.dragger[0].target,
      config = {attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true},
      callback = function(mutationsList, observer) {
        for( let mutation of mutationsList ) {
          let matrix = mutation.target.getCTM();
          if( mutation.oldValue === null ) return;
          let old = mutation.oldValue;
          let n = old.split(' ');
          if( n === null || n[4] === undefined || n[5] === undefined ) return;
          oldX = parseInt(n[4]);
          oldY = parseInt(n[5].replace(')',''));
          let xDiff = matrix.e - oldX;
          let yDiff = matrix.f - oldY;
          let wrapperX = wrapper._gsTransform.x,
              wrapperY = wrapper._gsTransform.y;

          TweenMax.set([dragger,wrapper],{x: (wrapperX + xDiff), y: (wrapperY + yDiff)});
  let observer = new MutationObserver(callback);


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