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trial version app ?

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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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little question here.
if a get a license , do the app need alway online ?
Or the request are local ?
Or do you share a build without license request ?

Also, do you have some free key license for test feature on app node js ?

How work you license  for app ?
In general I would like to avoid polluting my source code of unnecessary request.



if i understand the licence is life licence, but only 1 year update .
Same like license from  texturepacker.


Edit: also where it the paypal button ?  :-o


thank a lot for help me understand

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Hi and welcome to the forums,


We offer everyone access to try all of our bonus plugins and tools completely for free on CodePen.

Please watch the video here for a full explanation: https://greensock.com/try-plugins


The only reason you are getting re-directed to that page is that you are trying to load one of the plugins that we only allow to run on CodePen for trial purposes. Once you become a member and load up the files you purchased, you will never see a page like that... even if your membership expires.


If you are a single developer and you only need access to the bonus tools, you can get a yearly Shockingly Green membership for $99.

If you enable auto-renewals, you will get a 10% discount on renewals. 


If you are selling your app to multiple users, you will also need to be covered by the commercial license which comes with a Business Green membership.


The standard “Business Green” memberships are broken down into 3 general buckets - “Single Developer” ($150/year), “Up to 5 Developers” ($500/year), or “Up to 20 Developers” ($1,500/year). You can get a permanent license, if you prefer, for 5x the annual price for any of those (includes 3 years of updates). For example, a single-developer permanent license costs $750. Some companies prefer the permanent option so that they don’t have to worry about accidentally forgetting to renew the license or get approval each year or risk falling out of compliance. 

Our entire licensing model (which you or they can read about at http://greensock.com/why-license/) is based on the honor system and a simple number-of-developers pricing structure. We don’t require that you “register" each person or project, nor do we inject “phone home” scripts that report usage or suddenly cause things to stop working if your license expires. We extend respect to our users and trust that it'll be reciprocated. Thus far, it has worked well. As you probably know, we’ve been doing this for a decade now with no plans to stop. 

I'd definitely recommend that you create an isolated demo of what you are trying to do with our premium tools on CodePen (https://greensock.com/try-plugins).


We do not offer any free versions for you to test in a node app but we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee which grants you a 100% refund if you aren't happy for any reason. 


For more info on licensing please read this page and the FAQ: https://greensock.com/licensing


If you decide to buy a membership, you can use paypal or credit card here: http://www.greensock.com/club


Let us know if you have any more questions.






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@Carl thank a lot for your fast answer and all information.

Just for sure i understand , sorry my english is a little rusty :-D.

The ShockinglyGreen licence give me a life license for all plugin + 1 year for update.
After expiration , only if i need update , i can extend the subscription ?

Am not commercial registered or multi users.

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No worries about your English, you're doing fine.


Yes, Shockingly Green comes with our standard no-charge license, that never expires.

And yes, you only really need to extend your subscription if you need updates or new tools that we place in that membership group.

However, every renewal does go a long way towards helping us maintain and improve the platform for everyone.


We build everything with the thinking that it should perform extremely well and last a very long time. As you know from being a developer, the most common need for updates comes when new browsers implement changes. We typically have patches for those types of things within a day or two (depending on complexity) of being reported. 



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