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VideoLoader load video with params in URL

GauravGR test
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I am trying to user GS VideoLoader to display Instagram and Facebook videos in my flash based app. The Instagram videos works fine but the Facebook videos does not play. Only difference between these two are the query string parameters. Instagram API gives direct URL of a MP4 file but Facebook API's video URL is having some parameters. Both URL works fine in browser.


Code I am using:

var vidLoader = new VideoLoader($vidPath, { name:"myVideo", container:this, width:$w, height:$h, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", autoPlay:false, volume:volume, onComplete:completeHandler } );



Instagram video URL:



Facebook video URL:


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HI and welcome to the GreenSock forums,


We haven't touched VideoLoader in ages, but my guess is that Facebook has some security checks in place making sure other people don't try to load videos that they are hosting. For instance the video url you posted for Facebook now says that it is expired.


My suggestion would be to try to load the video from Facebook without VideoLoader, just use the native AS3 stuff. If you can get that working, then move onto VideoLoader. If facebook is doing something that prevents a swf from loading their videos, then there isn't anything our VideoLoader will be able to do. 


Might be worth reaching out Facebook support to see what they suggest.

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