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Solitaire web game now running GSAP!

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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I just converted my web game (link at bottom) over to GSAP using Draggable, TweenMax and TimelineMax!


I launched the site over 10 years ago, built on YUI2.

About 6 months ago I decided it was time to drag it into the modern age, so I set upon a total front end re-write, this time basing all animations and drag/drop on GSAP!


I deployed the update 2 weeks ago. Since then about 1 million unique users have spent over 10.9 million hours playing. Not a single GSAP bug or issue has come up!




I just wanted to THANK YOU for making an amazing product that's allowed me to do this massive re-write and launch without having to worry about the animation/dragging aspects.


Thanks again!


PS: The new GSAP based website is https://worldofsolitaire.com

The old YUI2 version is here: http://legacy.worldofsolitaire.com


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7 hours ago, OSUblake said:

Really nice! I was wondering how you were making out with the new version, but it looks like there are no card physics. Was that too much trouble to implement?


I played around with the physics for a bit, but couldn't get it to a point where it "felt" good to me. In the end I decided to punt on it and maybe try again in the future. Thanks to the helpful advice here from when I asked, I'm sure I can get it working nicely, but it's just a matter of me spending some time with it and honestly, it's not been a feature anyone has ever asked for, I just thought it might be cool to have, but I'm also wondering if some of the players would find it annoying :)

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  • 5 years later...
24 minutes ago, dianacrown88 said:

Hello there, Im really sorry for bumping old thread, but Im searching similar information about similar project, can someone help me please?

Hi @dianacrown88. If you need some help with a GSAP-specific question, please start a new thread and make sure you include a minimal demo (like a CodePen, Stackblitz, or CodeSandbox) that very clearly illustrates the issue you're wrestling with using as little code as possible and we'd be happy to take a peek. 

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  • 1 year later...

For me, it's incredible that you've managed to seamlessly transition from YUI2 to GSAP, bringing modern animations and drag/drop functionality to your users. The fact that you've had over a million unique users and no issues speaks volumes about GSAP's reliability and your skill in implementing it.
Personally, when I have some downtime, I often find myself playing spider solitaire online—it's a relaxing way to unwind and keep my mind engaged. It's great to see how tools like GSAP can empower developers to enhance user experiences without worrying about technical glitches.

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