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Why can't I animate something to 0 and then reanimate it?

barrowman test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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This is driving me mad, I have a simple Timeline, that works pretty well, except for some reason after I fade a MC out, I want to fade it back in later in animation/timeline and it just won't animate, instead it just appears/jumps back straight to 100%. I'm lost on why it wont or how to fix it. (or what even to search for in terms of reanimating the same thing later in the TL/


var til = new TimelineLite();
til.to(this.WB01, 1.00, {alpha:0, ease: Sine.easeInOut, overwrite: false}, 1.5)
.to(this.Logo, 1.00, {alpha:0, ease: Sine.easeInOut, overwrite: false}, 2)
.to(this.WB02, 1.00, {alpha:0, ease: Sine.easeInOut, overwrite: false}, 2)
.to(this.WB03, 1.00, {alpha:0, ease: Sine.easeInOut, overwrite: false}, 2.8)
.from(this.Logo_Final, 1.00, {alpha:0, ease: Sine.easeInOut, overwrite: false}, 6)
.to(this.WB02, 1.00, {alpha:100, ease: Sine.easeInOut, overwrite: false}, 6) // - this is the  line
.from(this.CTA, 1.00, {alpha:0, ease: Sine.easeInOut, overwrite: false}, "-=0.5")


Any help or a push in the right direction would be much appreciated.

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