I read every topic about angular and webpack but I can't still solve the issue - how to use Pro functions in angular
I have downloaded this repository https://github.com/AngularClass/angular-starter
then I created private npm package called 'my-business-gsap' (in a folder on the desktop by npm init - and fill only necessary fields)
I copied files from common-js plus folders 'minified' and 'uncompressed'
then I went back to project and add my privat
I just found why so many people have been getting errors with Angular. According to the docs, you should import modules like this.
import Draggable from "gsap/Draggable";
import ScrollToPlugin from "gsap/ScrollToPlugin";
But doing that will result in an error for most TypeScript builds. The problem is that GSAP doesn't use ES6 modules, and exports a default in a CommonJS (CJS) format like this.
module.exports = Draggable;
That works fine for CJS, but there is no way t