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Whoo-hoo! I've made it to 1,000 posts. Thanks everyone.

PointC test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hello GreenSock community,


This is my 1,000th post here on the forum so I thought I’d say thank you to all of you. You’re such a fantastic group of friendly, creative people. Your code, questions and demos inspire me every day. I learn just as much by answering questions as I do by asking them so the first thousand has been a wonderful education for me. Thank you all for your participation here in GreenSockLand.


Special thanks to Jack and Carl for letting me hang out and talk through 1,000 posts. You guys rock!


To commemorate the occasion, I made a new little demo. I’ve been having so much fun lately with CustomEase, CustomBounce and CustomWiggle that I thought they should be the focus of the 1,000 post commemorative demo.


Commemorative 1,000 Post Demo:


Speaking of the new CustomWiggle feature - (shameless self-promotion) – if anyone missed my Wiggle World demo, be sure to check it out. It allows you to interactively play with some of the new wiggle settings.


Wiggle World:

See the Pen ZLPdoY by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen


Thanks again everyone for my first 1,000 posts. I’m looking forward to another thousand. You’re an awesome community. As always, happy tweening to all.


- Craig


PS If there are any forum lurkers out there who are a little nervous about jumping in, please give it a shot. The GreenSock neighborhood houses a truly special group of people on the web.




See the Pen PpqyaO by PointC (@PointC) on CodePen

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What a special way to honor turning 1000. Love the demo!


So glad you enjoy helping people around here and do it with such integrity and grace.

You are an inspiration and role model to many. I'm sure you have helped many a lurker emerge from the shadows and many newbies gain their confidence with GSAP.




ps. Blake, Diaco, Jonathan, and Rodrigo, You're 1000th-post commemorative demos are overdue:)

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"Ditto" to what Carl said :)


I love this new tradition of a commemorative 1000th post. Looking forward to an even more fancy 2,000th post animation ;)


Very honored to have you as such a central part of the community, Craig. Every moderator here was carefully selected because of their contributions, attitude, and skill. 



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On 2/27/2017 at 3:58 PM, Carl said:

ps. Blake, Diaco, Jonathan, and Rodrigo, You're 1000th-post commemorative demos are overdue:)


I can't believe I forgot to post mine. I worked with a team of animators for 17 days to make this. It's not as nice as Craig's, but still pretty impressive!


See the Pen GWovBb by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen


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That's hilarious, Blake. 


But really, it should be simple to get it working in Webpack if you edit the config file in 19 places and rewrite everything as modules. Piece of cake. ;)


That image looks like Carl in his Halloween costume...after being exposed to nuclear radiation for a few months. 

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Jack, I just remembered that Blake got a lime green Ferrari for his 1,000th in this post . I certainly don't put myself in the same category as Blake, but perhaps a company van? I'm not greedy so I'll even share it with Jonathan, Pedro and Diaco. We could use it to promote the brand for you. Maybe Carl could drive us around the country for a meet and greet with the users?


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Where's the "Did you make a codepen?" bumper sticker, Craig? ;)


And Blake needs some pixi dust emitting from his head. 


I think a super modern Tesla would be more fitting (smart, fast, efficient) :) Interestingly, Tesla does apparently use GSAP technology (seriously).

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The "Did you make a CodePen?" bumper sticker is on the back. You'll have to wait for me to finish my Three.js training to see it.  :D


Tesla uses GSAP? How cool!


Do you mean as part of the animated controls in the dashboard? I've never actually seen the inside of a Tesla because I'm just a poor working animator who never gets to go outside, but from what I've heard, the dashboard display is pretty awesome.

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I'm actually not sure exactly how or where Tesla uses GSAP. It'd be cool if it was actually in the car itself, like the dash. 


Can't wait to see the 3D version of the car in THREE.js. ;)


And yes, @Dipscom, #monsterjam - Carl's kids will especially enjoy riding in that version of the GreenSockmobile. Ha. 

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