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Is this a GSAP timeline bug?

trsh test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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First of all - I welcome me in GSAP community :)


The second thing, that I have a problem with GSAP timeline functionality (check the codepen).


Is it a bug? When second timeline is removed, in my opinion, it should not reserve the time for it. Especially not after invalidate().


Any suggestions for workarounds?

See the Pen bZoGAE by anon (@anon) on CodePen

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Hello trsh and Welcome to the GreenSock Forum!


Just so we know.. What is the expected behavior you want, so we have a better idea the type of movement you want in your animation?


In what order? If you can list the movement it should follow.


Any additional information will help us in helping you!


Thanks :)

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Hi trsh,


Welcome to the forums.


Great job on providing a clear demo with your question!


The behavior is not a bug. Timelines do not auto-collapse or move children around when you pull an animation out of the middle.


If you want to shift tween3 to start at the end of tween1 the shiftChildren() method will help.


docs: http://greensock.com/docs/#/HTML5/GSAP/TimelineLite/shiftChildren/


var tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true});

var tween1 = TweenMax.to(el, 2, {x: 100, y: 100});
var tween2 = TweenMax.to(el, 5, {x: 200, y: 200});
var tween3 = TweenMax.to(el, 2, {x: 0, y: 0});



tl.shiftChildren(-tween2.duration(), false, tween2.duration());


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Let me completely hijack this thread as I am quite interested in this behaviour and how GSAP handles removal of children.


I did some testing on the demo trsh provided and noticed the total duration of timeline did not change. So, it goes with what Carl has explained that timelines do not auto-collapse if you remove the tween and thus, the behaviour the original pen was displaying matches the explanation.


Checking the total duration of Carl's demo, I can see it gets updated and reflects the removal and shifting of the remaining children which, would be the behaviour I expected from the .remove() method. I imagine, trsh also expected such behaviour.


Now, given that you have the timelines updating its total duration (and everything else) with a .add() method, and that you can have the same by doing a .remove() and .shiftChildren(), wouldn't it be possible to have the .remove() shift the remaining children in the timeline automatically?


I would say, it does make it more intuitive to have the timeline updating itself by shifting all the children after the removed tween, rather than having the gap where such tween was previously.

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Hi trsh,


Welcome to the forums.


Great job on providing a clear demo with your question!


The behavior is not a bug. Timelines do not auto-collapse or move children around when you pull an animation out of the middle.


If you want to shift tween3 to start at the end of tween1 the shiftChildren() method will help.


docs: http://greensock.com/docs/#/HTML5/GSAP/TimelineLite/shiftChildren/


var tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true});

var tween1 = TweenMax.to(el, 2, {x: 100, y: 100});
var tween2 = TweenMax.to(el, 5, {x: 200, y: 200});
var tween3 = TweenMax.to(el, 2, {x: 0, y: 0});



tl.shiftChildren(-tween2.duration(), false, tween2.duration());

See the Pen mEBVow?editors=0010 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen



Hi. Thanks. This explains my problem right on the point.


In addition, In my opinion the default behavior should be the auto-collapse. With option to not do that -> tl.remove(tween2, [true]), because there are NOT a lot user cases, where you really want to keep the gap. And lot of new users will get confused. Just read other answers in this post :)


Thanks again!!!

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I would say, it does make it more intuitive to have the timeline updating itself by shifting all the children after the removed tween, rather than having the gap where such tween was previously.


I Agree. Its more intuitive and more user-cases. But a option to keep the GAP should be there. 

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Thanks for the suggestions. We are very hesitant to bloat the core with features, that although are useful to some, are rarely used. This is especially true in cases where the api already supports workarounds. In the case of closing the gap you can just use shiftChildren() as illustrated above.


Tallwhitey, your suggestion of stretching out the tweens before the removal is certainly interesting but again I'd imagine its an extremely rare use case.

To achieve that effect I suspect you could remove those tweens, but them in another timeline, and then change that timelines duration() to whatever you want and drop that timeline back into the original. Entirely possible but quite a bit of code (kb) to add to the core. 


We will definitely appreciate the feedback and suggestions. I can't deny that having the timeline's auto-collapse would be a cool feature. We will chew on this some more and keep an ear out for similar requests. Of the thousands of issues / requests posted in this forum its just very rare to hear anything related to remove() and we are just very cautious about adding features that affect file size. 

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