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Banner won`t load

itsquarterpastgg test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hey i was wondering if you could help me guys, 

in the past years I used to create alot of ADs using flash AS2 / AS3,

always relied on GS as the most easy way to build apps.


Now that AnimateCC was realized i thought it would be a nice idea to work on AD projects again...


i searched the forums, the website and so on...

http://greensock.com/animatecc-quickstart  <- found the guide  and read it, started to build my own test-ADs.


It works so nice when i use the premade templates of GS.


BUT ONLY when i deploy the AD in animate cc, the html (combined with an ip and so on) works just fine

BUUUTTT if i just open the HTML, i only get nothing but a white screen with the black border where the add was supposed to be


what did i do wrong? i rebuild my banner a few times, tried to figure it out, but i have no clue why it`s like that :/



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I can't believe create spritesheet is default behavior...

In theory, spritesheets are great because they mean less calls to the server.  But since Adobe made them dependent on JSON, it's kind of a pain since they can't be previewed locally in most browsers, plus JSON files aren't accepted by a lot of ad serving companies.

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