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Delete TextField issue

Nezarov test
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Hi, I am trying to edit the "onKeyPress" function to allow deleting the text fields by pressing two keys (Shift & Backspace),

private static function onKeyPress($e:KeyboardEvent):void {
_keysDown[$e.keyCode] = true;
if ($e.keyCode == Keyboard.DELETE || _keysDown[Keyboard.SHIFT] && _keysDown[Keyboard.BACKSPACE])

The code above will not work unless I set the "hasSelectableText" Boolean to false:

newVars.hasSelectableText = ($targetObject is TextField) ? false : $hasSelectableText;

But now I am not able to highlight the text! how to solve that please? can you point me to the line where I can set the selected object as a text field or "hasSelectableText"?

Or if I added the text field inside a movieClip is there any way to use "SCALE_WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT" function instead of the normal scale mode? Thanks.

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If you want to control the scale mode, you can do so with the 2nd parameter of the addItem() method, like: 

manager.addItem(myText, TransformManager.SCALE_WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT, true);

(that's an excerpt from the docs). 


Does that help at all? Unfortunately we're not in a position to provide consulting for altering the guts of the tools themselves, but hopefully the API exposes everything you need to accomplish your goal. 

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Thank you..

Actually I solved it but that was not easy because there's about 5000 lines of a code :|



private static function onKeyPress($e:KeyboardEvent):void {
            _keysDown[$e.keyCode] = true;
            if ($e.keyCode == Keyboard.DELETE || (_keysDown[Keyboard.SHIFT] && _keysDown[Keyboard.BACKSPACE])) {


 public function onPressDelete($e:Event = null, $allowSelectableTextDelete:Boolean = false):Boolean {
                        if (_enabled && _allowDelete /*&& (_hasSelectableText == false || $allowSelectableTextDelete)*/) {

That's all.

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